Make $5000 and sell your home faster by painting your bathroom this color

Benjamin Moore Bathroom Powder Room Blue Paint Color Nicole Janes Design.png

Did you know a can of paint can help sell your home for over $5,000 more than you expect? Zillow recently released data from their 2017 Paint Color Analysis Study. They reviewed 32,000 photos from sold listings all over the country. Comparing similar rooms, they analyzed how walls painted a color vs walls painted white impacted the homes average sale price. The study revealed that homes with light blue bathrooms had the highest sales premium of all the colors they analyzed. These homes sold for an average of $5,440 more than expected! 


Yarmouth Blue by Benjamin Moore

Source - Unknown


Blue is associated with feelings of serenity, reflection and calm and is proven to lower our heart rate and blood pressure. It’s no wonder blue is a popular choice for bedrooms and bathrooms. These are the rooms we retreat to for relaxation.

Palladian Blue by Benjamin Moore Source - Benjamin Moore

Palladian Blue by Benjamin Moore
Source - Benjamin Moore


Alternately, having no color on the walls can negatively impact the sale price of your home. The study also found that homes with white bathroom walls sold for an average of $4,035 less than similar homes. That's a difference of $9,475 between white and blue bathrooms! So, if you’re putting your home on the market, or just need a little R&R, grab a paint brush.

Here are a few of my favorite Benjamin Moore Bathroom Blues:

Pin This Nicole Janes Design Kitchen Design  Cabinets Masterbrand Diamond 60178
Benjamin Moore Best Bathroom Powder Room Blue Paint Color Nicole Janes Design.png

What’s your favorite blue paint color? Let me know in the comments.

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